Change in Registered office Address

Change in Registered office Address

The Registered office of a company or an LLP is the principal place of business activities, where all the official communication and reminders from will be sent to the mentioned location. The registered address must always be an effective address to avoid any delays as it is important that alll correspondence sent to this address is dealt with promptly.

Change in Registered office Address through TaxCure India

Change in Registered office Address


From one place to another within limits of the same city.

Business place outside local limits but within the same state under the jurisdiction of the same ROC.

Change in office from the jurisdiction of one ROC to that of another ROC. Different states

To change a registered office within local limits, or town, a notice of change should be given to the respective registrar within 30 days of such change. In case the registered office is to be changed from one town or city to another within a state then, a special resolution should be passed.

But when the registered office is to be changed from one state to another then a confirmation of the special resolution from company law board is required. Also in addition, an advertisement in newspaper proposing the concerned change and notice is to be given to the state government by the applicants.


The company can issue a general notice by way of an advertisement in a newspaper informing all the members and stakeholders about the change of the company’s registered office.

Printing of new MOA and changing the address of the company’s registered office outside of every office, building, etc., where it carried on the business, in legible letters and conspicuous position.

Substitute the old address printed on all business letter-heads, letters, invoices, billheads, receipt forms and other official publications with the new address.

Update the new registered office address with all the banks and financial institutions where the company is having bank accounts.

File application with the Income Tax Authority for updating the company address in TAN and PAN.

Update the company’s new address with its utility service providers like telephone and internet connections, electricity providers, etc., in the company name.

Update the company’s new address with government authorities like Customs Authorities, Central Excise Authorities, Service tax Department, and Sales Tax Authorities.

Types of changes in a registered office

A Company would want to change its office after some time. The registered office of a company needs to be changed with prior intimation. MCA has provided procedures to change the address of the company, this must be followed by the company.

Types of changes in the address of the registered office.

  1. Within the same state and ROC
  2. Within the same city
  3. To other ROC in the same state
  4. From one state to another


Q: What is the procedure for changing the registered office address of a company?

A: File application with the Income Tax Authority for updating the company address in TAN and PAN.
Update the company’s new address with its utility service providers like telephone and internet connections, electricity providers, etc., in the company name.
Update the company’s new address with government authorities like Customs Authorities, Central Excise Authorities, Service tax Department, and Sales Tax Authorities.

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