Partnership Firm

Partnership Firm


Partnership Firm

“Partnership” is the relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of
a business carried on by all or any of them acting for all.

Persons who have entered into partnership with one another are called individually,
“partners” and collectively “a firm”, and the name under which their business is
carried on is called the “firm-name”.

Register Your Partnership Through Taxcure India

What is Partnership Firm?

A Partnership Firm is a business structure where two or more persons or an association of people own, manage & operate a business in accordance with the terms and objectives stated in the Partnership Deed. It is thought to have lost its relevance since the introduction of the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) because in partnership, the partners are liable for the debts of the business due to unlimited liability. However, being inexpensive, the ease of setting up and fewer compliance formalities make it a practical option for some.

A partnership firm is considered ideal for micro and small-scale business which have multiple promoters.

Also, General Partnerships can be either registered or unregistered. Though it is not mandatory to register a Partnership firm, it is preferred to register a Partnership firm due to the added benefits.

Advantages of Partnership Firm

  1. Easy Formation
  2. Low Compliances
  3. Shared Profit & Loss
  4. Quick Decision

Disadvantages of Partnership Firm

  1. Potential Liabilities
  2. Limited Resources
  3. Difficult to raise fund
  4. A loss of autonomy
  5. A lack of stability
  6. Higher taxes
  7. Splitting profits
Partnership Firm

Its Partnership Firm Structure

DetailsA person may become
a partner with another
person in particular
adventures or
Minimum no of Member2
Obtaining FundChallenging
Tax Rate@30%
Partnership Firm Registration

Required License for Partnership Firm

Steps to register Partnership Firm

Step 1 – Application for Registration

Name of the firm

Name of the place where business is carried

Names of any other place where business is carried on

Date of partners joining the partnership firm

Full name and permanent address of partners

Duration of the firm

Every partner needs to verify and sign the concerned application.

Ensure that the following documents and prescribed fees are enclosed with the  application

Application for Registration in the prescribed form

Duly filled Specimen of Affidavit

Certified copy of the Partnership deed

Proof of ownership of the place of business or the rental agreement

Step 2 – Every partner needs to verify and sign the concerned application.

Step 3 – Ensure that the following documents and prescribed fees are enclosed with the application

Application for Registration in the prescribed form

Duly filled Specimen of Affidavit

Certified copy of the Partnership deed

Proof of ownership of the place of business or the rental agreement


Subject to contract between the partners –

  • a partner is not entitled to receive remuneration for taking part in the conduct of the business
  • the partners are entitled to share equally in the profits earned, and shall contribute equally to the losses sustained by the firm
  • where a partner is entitled to interest on the capital subscribed by him, such interest shall be payable only out of profits
  • a partner making, for the purposes of the business, any payment or advance beyond the amount of capital he has agreed to subscribe, is entitled to interest thereon at the rate of six per cent. per annum
  • the firm shall indemnify a partner in respect of payments made and liabilities incurred by him
  • in the ordinary and proper conduct of the business and
  • in doing such act, in an emergency, for the purpose of protecting the firm from loss, as would be done by a person of ordinary prudence, in his own case, under similar circumstances and
  • a partner shall indemnify the firm for any loss caused to it by his willful neglect in the conduct of the business of the firm.

Subject to the contract between the partners, the property of the firm shall be held
and used by the partners exclusively for the purposes of the business.


Subject to the contract between the partners

  • if a partner derives any profits for himself from any transaction of the firm, or from the use of the property or business connection of the firm or the firm-name, he shall account for that profit and pay it to the firm
  • f a partner carries on any business of the same nature as and competing with that of the firm, he shall account for and pay to the firm all profits made by him in that business.

A partner has authority, in an emergency, to do all such acts for the purpose of protecting the firm from loss as would be done by a person of ordinary prudence, in his own case, acting under similar circumstances, and such acts bind the firm.


Where, by the wrongful act or omission of a partner acting in the ordinary course of
the business of a firm or with the authority of his partners, loss or injury is caused to
any third party, or any penalty is incurred, the firm is liable therefor to the same
extent as the partner.


A transfer by a partner of his interest in the firm, either absolute or by mortgage, or, by the creation by him of a charge on such interest, does not entitle the transferee, during the continuance of the firm, to interfere in the conduct of the business or to require accounts or to inspect the books of the firm, but entitles the transferee only to receive the share of profits of the transferring partner, and the transferee shall accept the account of profits agreed to by the partners.

If the firm is dissolved or if the transferring partner ceases to be a partner, the transferee is entitled as against the remaining partners, to receive the share of the assets of the firm to which the transferring partner is entitled and, for the purpose of ascertaining that share, to an account as from the date of the dissolution.

List of Required Documents for Partnership Firm

  • PAN of all Partners
  • Aadhar of all Partners 
  • Photo of all partners
  • Mobile No of Partners
  • Email of all Partners
  • Trade Name 
  • Light Bill ( With Owner PAN & Aadhar)
  • Rent agreement if any 
  • Nature of business


1 How a partnership firm is registered?

The partners should register their firm with the Registrar of Firms of the state where the firm is located. Since partnership firm registration is not compulsory, the partners can apply for registration of the partnership firm either at the formation of the firm or subsequently at any time during its operation

2 How to form partnership firm in Maharashtra?

To register a Partnership Deed in Maharashtra, individuals or businesses should visit the office of the Registrar of Firms.

3 GST registration mandatory for partnership firm?

GST registration for a partnership firm is required whose annual revenue exceeds 40 lakhs or Service Business 20 lakhs.

4 What is the minimum capital for a partnership firm?

There is no limit on the minimum capital for starting a Partnership firm.

5 Is it compulsory to register partnership firm in Maharashtra?

According to Indian partnership Act, 1932, it is not compulsory to have a registration of partnership firm but one can enjoy many advantages that it provides and to stay legally secured.

6 How much stamp paper required for partnership deed?

Rs.200 or more based on the capital of the partnership firm

7 How many partners are required to form a partnership firm?

Minimum 2 or maximum 50 members.

8 Is it necessary to get partnership deed notarized?

It needs to be notarized by a notary public. The notary public will verify the identity of the partners.

Partnership Firm

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